If your child is absent call the school office before 9:00 AM.
You must provide:
Child's full name (and spelling)
Date(s) of absence
Reason for absence
Caller's Name and relationship to student
Phone number where you can be reached
Truancy Notification
First Notification Letter
To be classified as a truant, a student has had three (3) unexcused absences or three (3) tardies of 30 minutes or more. Education Code Section 48260.5 requires that the parent/guardian will be notified by a letter informing them of what can occur if their child is not in school.
Second Notification Letter – Truancy Meeting
If improvements in attendance have not been made, (after an additional 1-day [minimum] unexcused absence or unexcused tardy in excess of 30 minutes), then a 2nd letter will be generated. The second letter is advising that you will be scheduled to meet with the principal to discuss attendance. When this conference is scheduled you will receive a scheduled conference letter that will have a time and date you will need to meet with the principal to discuss why your student has been absent without valid reasons. An attendance contract will be signed at the meeting.
Early Student Pickup
Students may be picked up early from school during school hours for emergency appointments only. You must bring a note from your doctor the following school day. To maximize their learning time, please send your child to school even if their appointment is later in the day or refrain from making appointments for your child(ren) during school hours. For your child’s protection, all persons picking up a student early from school must come to the office and sign the student out. Proper identification (photo ID) is required. The office staff will review the student’s emergency card information to confirm that the person is authorized to pick up the student. If the person is not listed on the emergency card, the student will not be authorized to leave school.
Studies show that there is a direct correlation between good health, school attendance and student achievement. Your student must work twice as hard the next day to catch up on missed instruction and missed assignments including homework. Your teacher loses class time by having to repeat lessons for students who were absent. Schools do not receive funding from the State of California for students who are absent from school. This includes all absences, even those related to illness, medical, or dental appointments. When schools lose funding, kids lose music, learning technology, summer school and smaller classes.
Chronic absence in Kindergarten is associated with lower academic performance in 1st grade among all children and also could predict the lowest levels of educational achievement at the end of fifth grade.
By 6th grade, missing 20% (or two months of school) is a critical warning sign of school drop-out.
By 9th grade, missing 20% of school can be a better predictor of drop-out than 8th grade test scores.
Reporting an Absence
Ms. Angelica Lopez
Attendance Clerk
Tardy Policy
To fully benefit from the instructional program, students must be on time every day. We urge all parents to strive for promptness so that each child may start off his/her day at school on a positive note.
Late Students
Tardy students must report to the office for a tardy slip before reporting to class. We cannot excuse tardies for oversleeping, car troubles, heavy traffic, etc. If you are tardy for a medical or dental appt. please make sure you ask for an excuse letter from your doctor or dentist.
Excessive Tardies
Parents will be contacted in the case of excessive tardiness. Three (3) tardies of 30 minutes or more can result in a referral to the Attendance and Welfare Office
COVID Protocols
If your student is experiencing any of the following Covid symptoms please keep your child at home. Do NOT send your child to school if they are experiencing any covid related symptoms:
- Coughing and/or sneezing
- Headaches
- Runny nose
- Fever
- Vomiting / diarrhea
- Sore Throat
- Loss of taste or smell
If you are keeping your child(ren) at home due to covid related symptoms please notify our attendance clerk.
Please help us keep our community safe!